| 01733 963022
Dance Company Rules
It is very important that all members enjoy their time with EBDC, we pride ourselves on creating an EBDC family atmosphere, support is the key to success. At the same time the rules below must be adhered to at all times.
- Every member is important, support is the key to success so any member who is seen to be unsupportive, nasty or malicious will be asked to leave.
- It is imperative to attend all rehearsals in and out of term time, we understand some occasions will occur which cannot be avoided but we do ask you give us prior notice where possible but 2 missed rehearsals in a term will mean the situation will be assessed and you could be asked to leave. This must be for a valid and important reason not just for a social event e.g. a party, their birthday etc
- There may be rehearsals during holiday seasons which members will be made aware of in advance – these will usually be before a competition or event.
- You will be given a list of comps and events in advance, and these comps usually stay the same time of year every year, so please avoid booking holidays during these times.
- When attending events and competitions you must look your best at all times, wear our uniform (pro-kit) and behave in a professional manor at all times.
- Uniform must be adhered to and worn correctly. Hair must be immaculate tied back in a ponytail or ballet bun with no jewellery worn. Any student with incorrect uniform or untidy hair will not be permitted into rehearsal or classes.
- From June 2019 onwards fees must be paid half-termly or full-termly by the first week of the half/ full term otherwise a late payment fee of 10% will be added.
- At events and competitions, a parent/ guardian must be responsible for the student at all times.
- There will be entry fees at competitions, but these are usually small. There will also be a fee for audience members to enter the theatre but again this is minimal, and each competition’s fee is different.
- You may be required to pay for costume items (such as tights etc) but if this is the case, as much notice as possible will be given. We will endeavour to keep costs to a minimum. For competitions and EBDC only performances there is no charge or hire fee for costumes.
- If any costumes are damaged or stained, you are responsible for rectifying the situation. This may involve being invoiced for the cost of EBDC having to buy a new costume.
- If you are not going to be available for an event or competition, please let Elizabeth know at least 3 weeks of classes beforehand (this will mean forfeiture of entry fees paid). It is not acceptable to drop out at short notice (unless it is unavoidable for example a broken arm) as it is letting down the entire team and causing unnecessary upset and panic. Anyone not following this rule may be asked to leave.
- All EBDC members should also be attending a class with us in the associated genre for their team(s) This is to ensure that everyone progresses in that genre, also I can see their progression, as a class is different from a rehearsal.
- All EBDC members should be attending the Wednesday EBDC Technique class. This is again different from the associated genre class and rehearsal class. This class is an all-rounded technique class that will give them the basic technique that all dancers require. This is at a discounted price of just £3 and free to students that attend 2 EBDC teams and their associated classes.
- If any EBDC student/ members take classes in any dance genre with any other dance school, you must let us know what classes, grades and with who. This isn’t necessary a problem, but Elizabeth needs to be able to follow professional etiquette where other dance teachers are involved. We do not accept EBDC team members who are taking classes in the same genre of team they are in with us, at any other dance school, to avoid breaches of professional etiquette. Another important reason is so I can monitor the student’s training.
- As you are an EBDC member you will have the opportunity to compete as a soloist or in a duet/ trio or quartet when Miss Elizabeth feels you are ready. It will be necessary to have private lessons which is at an extra cost of £35 an hour, roughly 2/3 private lessons should be enough to learn and clean the dance but this depends on the student. If you are part of a duet/ trio/ quartet the £35 is split between you. This is completely down to your choice and not necessary to be a team member – this is just an extra opportunity for our EBDC students.
- If you feel that you don’t want to carry on with EBDC, that’s not a problem, but out of courtesy to Miss Elizabeth and your team mates please inform Miss Elizabeth at least 3 weeks of classes before an event or comp so that we can re-block and re-choreograph.
- Our EB DANCE rules apply to EBDC also. You can find these on our website along with our safeguarding policy.
In other words we are training you for the professional industry so we expect mature and professional behaviour at all times (even if you attend EBDC for enjoyment and not a career choice, we want you to achieve the best).